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  • Planning | Mysite

    Back Every organization needs a plan to set priorities and align resources with objectives. Often, the strategic planning process is thought of as boring, repetitious, and painful. I work hard to ensure the time spent in planning is creative and engaging. I work at the business/organization level, as well as at the destination or regional level to determine an engaging vision and organize the path to get there. Inherent in this development process is defining economic, social, and environmental sustainability. I have worked with destinations inside and outside of North Carolina on product development, marketing, community involvement, and environmental stewardship. In addition to strategic and destination planning, I work with organizations on grant writing, evaluation and monitoring of programs/ initiatives, and applied research. My work within recent years has included: Blowing Rock Art & History Museum Toe River Health District Town of Marshville NC Town of Vass NC Planning

  • Speaking | Mysite

    Back Speaking I am available to speak on many topics in rural tourism or animal tourism, a sample of presentation titles are below. Please contact me to discuss these or other ideas. Rural Tourism The Building Blocks of a Rural Economy Is Sustainable Tourism an Oxymoron? Implementing a Local Wildlife Tourism Program​​ Animal Tourism Animal Magnetism in Tourism How To Be An Ethical Animal Tourist Implementing a Local Wildlife Tourism Program The Current State of Animal Tourism Around the World​​

  • Capacity Building | Mysite

    Back Throughout my career, I have been engaged in a number of capacity building programs. Initially, I worked for the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service where I founded NC Tourism Extension in 2000. I also partnered with The Conservation Fund Resourceful Communities Program, Handmade in America, Recreation Resources Service, and various destination marketing organizations working throughout NC’s 85 rural counties. While at East Carolina University (2010-2014), I was apart of the Talent Enhancement and Capacity Building program led by Mr. Kenny Flowers. Recently, the Rural Community Capacity program (RC2) was initiated at AppState based on the work that Kenny and I did at ECU. From 2022-2024 the RC2 program served over 50 rural communities all over the state. RC2 is a set of principles that can be applied to any cultural or geographical contexts including international locales. Capacity building is defined as developing skills and confidence to tackle local problems. Tough issues require an internal and external perspective and multidisciplinary approaches. Capacity building is simply sorting through all of the tools in the toolbox to support local visions. The UPLIFT program, which is designed to support community driven initiatives, began in 2022. Over the course of three years, UPLIFT is serving many rural communities in North Carolina by supporting the local vision for tourism development. Programs have included festival trainings, tourism incubator, grant and loan assistance, webinars on a variety of topics, PR support, and targeted initiatives for destination marketing organizations. For more details about this go to . Soon the UPLIFT program will be expanding to other states and destinations. Please contact UPLIFT for more information and/or myself to conduct workshops in your community/organization. Capacity Building

  • CONSULTING | Mysite

    Consulting I have engaged in professional consulting since 2000. I conduct research, deliver workshops, provide keynote speeches, conduct strategic planning, and engage in capacity building. More information about these activities is below. Capacity Building Read More Speaking Read More Planning Read More

  • TEACHING | Mysite

    DR. CAROL KLINE I am a Professor and the Director of the Hospitality & Tourism Management program at Appalachian State University. Some of the classes I teach are Sustainable Tourism, Destination Management, Attraction Management, and International Tourism. My course, Animals, Tourism, and Sustainability, is the only course in the United States dedicated to animal based tourism. I believe that students should engage with the industry as much as possible through internships, seasonal employment, and industry meetings. My students have engaged in practical projects while working with a number of partners (e.g. hotels, community events, trade associations) both inside and outside of the classroom. I am a strong advocate for traveling and studying abroad - and strive to bring international issues into the curriculum - so that my students can be good global citizens. I am proud to be on the faculty of the Walker College of Business since 2014. Prior to that I worked at East Carolina University, North Carolina Central University, and North Carolina State University - where I earned my MS and PhD. STUDY ABROAD Animals, Tourism, & Sustainability (Ongoing) Sustainable Tourism Across Norway 2025 Animal-based Voluntourism in Costa Rica 2019 Climate Change in the French Alps: Voluntourism Approaches 2017 Ecotourism in Ecuador 2015 Cuba at a Crossroads: Tourism Amid Political Change 2012 & 2013 Landscapes in Ecotourism, Ghana West Africa 2005-2008

  • RESEARCH | Mysite

    Summary of Research Interests My research interests are summarized in two big buckets. Earlier in my career, I focused on many aspects of rural tourism: the types of conditions that support entrepreneurs in their success, various of tourism products and markets and destination marketing strategies. Since 2015, I’ve been focusing solely on animals in tourism. There is no topic off the table, from eating animals, to riding them, to captive entertainment, to selfies, and ambassador animals, and many other topics. I currently find myself in the fortunate position of being able to work with younger and newer scholars who share this same passion. Rural Tourism Here you will find select publications on various rural tourism topics. Read More Animals in Tourism Animals, animals, animals! Check here for my latest projects

  • Animals in Tourism | Mysite

    Back Animals in Tourism Research In addition to the following journal publications, below are several books I have edited or contributed to. Journal Publications Fennell, D., Kline, C. et al. (2024). Vacant Niche. Current Issues in Tourism. Kline, C., Hoarau-Heemstra, H., & Cavaliere, C. (2022). Wildlife Equity Theory for Multispecies Tourism Justice. Journal of Travel Research. Hoarau-Heemstra, H. & Kline, C. (2022). Making kin and making sense of human-animal relations in tourism. Ecological Economics. Kline, C., & Fischer, B. (2021). Morality on holiday: inspiring ethical behaviour in animal-based tourism through nonmoral values. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-12. ​ Hoarau, H., & Kline, C. (2014). Science and industry: Sharing knowledge for innovation. Annals of Tourism Research, 46, 44-61. Books & Book Chapters Hooper, J. & Kline, C. (Eds.) (2024). Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism. CABI: Oxford. López-López, Á., Venegas, G. J. Q., & Kline, C. (Eds.). (2023). Tourism, heritage and commodification of non-human animals: a post-humanist reflection. CABI: Oxford. Kline, C. (2023). Centering Animals within Rural Tourism [invited chapter]. In H. Mair (Ed.) Handbook on Tourism and Rural Community Development. Surrey, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Kline, C. (2021). Socialising animal-based tourism [invited chapter]. In Higgins-Desbiolles, F., Doering, A., & Bigby, B. C. (Eds.). Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice. (pp. 195-213). Routledge. Rickly, J. M., & Kline, C. (Eds.). (2021). Exploring non-human work in tourism: From beasts of burden to animal ambassadors. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. Kline, C., Rusher, RC. (2018). Between awareness and activism: navigating the ethical terrain of eating animals. In Bryan S. R. Grimwood, Kellee Caton, Lisa Cooke (Eds.) New Moral Natures in Tourism. Routledge. Kline, C. (Ed.) (2018). Animals, Food & Tourism. Routledge/Taylor & Francis. Kline, C. (Ed.) (2018). Tourism Experiences & Animal Consumption: Contested Values, Morality, & Ethics. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rural Tourism | Mysite

    Back Rural Tourism Since 1993, I've engaged in rural tourism research, starting with three studies done for the NC Historic Sites, Aquariums, and Visitor Centers. I had no idea at that time how much I would grow to love the rural areas of our state. While I haven't engaged in much formal research in rural tourism in a while, I've listed below some of the key topics I've addressed namely rural entrepreneurship, various niche products and markets, and sustainable food systems. Agritourism, Food Systems, & Craft Beverages Arroyo, C. G., Barbieri, C., Knollenberg, W., & Kline, C. (2023). Can craft beverages shape a destination’s image? A cognitive intervention to measure pisco-related resources on conative image. Tourism Management, 95.. Knollenberg, W., Duffy, L. N., Kline, C., & Kim, G. (2021). Creating competitive advantage for food tourism destinations through food and beverage experiences. Tourism Planning & Development, 18(4), 379-397. Lapan, C., Greenwood, J., & Kline, C. (2020). Eating Sustainably: Protein Consumption at Home, at Restaurants, and While Traveling. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 4(4), 193-208. Kline, C., Lee, S. J., & Knollenberg, W. (2018). Segmenting foodies for a foodie destination. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(9), 1234–1245. Slocum, Susan L., Knollenberg, W., Kline, C. (2018). Demand for Specialty Food Initiatives: Considerations for Meeting Planning and Destination Management. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism (3) 17–30. Slocum, S., Knollenberg, W., & Kline. C. (2018). Demand for sustainable food initiatives at meetings: Considerations for destination management. Gastronomy & Tourism 3(1). Joyner, L., Kline, C., Oliver, J., & Kariko, D. (2018). Exploring emotional response to images used in agritourism destination marketing. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 44–55. Kline, C., *Joyner, J., Kirchoff, J., Crawford, A., Jilcott Pitts, S., Wall-Bassett, B., Gurganus, C., & Dunning, R. (2016). Gaps and Barriers along the North Carolina Farm-Food Value Chain. British Food Journal, 118(2), 301-317. Kline, C., Barbieri, C., & *LaPan, C. (2016). The influence of agritourism on niche meats loyalty and purchasing. Journal of Travel Research, 55(5), 643-658. Ainley, S. & Kline, C. (2014). Moving beyond positivism: Reflexive collaboration in understanding agritourism across North American boundaries. Current Issues in Tourism, 16, 1-10. ​​ ​ Rural Resilience Kline, C., Duffy, L., Fogle, E., and Clark, D. (2022). Crossover Paths for Peri-urban Markets in Tourism Planning & Development: Mobility Motivations, Career Stage, Life Stage, & Desired Characteristics. Tourism & Hospitality. McGehee, N. G., Kline, C., & Knollenberg, W. (2014). Social movements and tourism-related local action. Annals of Tourism Research, 48, 140-155. Slocum, S., & Kline, C. (2014). Regional resilience: opportunities, challenges and policy messages from Western North Carolina. Anatolia, 25(3), 403-416. ​ Tourism Entrepreneurship Kline, C., Duffy, L., & Clark, D. (2020). Fostering tourism and entrepreneurship in fringe communities: Unpacking stakeholder perceptions towards entrepreneurial climate. Tourism & Hospitality Research, 20(1), 3–17. Mottiar, Z., Boluk, K., & Kline, C. (2018). The roles of social entrepreneurs in rural destination development. Annals of Tourism Research, 68, 77–88. Boluk, K., Kline, C., & *Stroobach, A. (2017). Exploring the expectations and satisfaction derived from volunteer tourism experiences. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(3), 272–285. Kline, C. & Milburn, L.A. (2010). Ten categories of entrepreneurial climate to encourage rural tourism development. Annals of Leisure Research, 13(1/2): 320-348. Kline, C., Shah, N., & *Rubright, H. (2014). Applying the Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship to understand food entrepreneurs and their operations. Tourism Planning & Development, 11(3), 330-342. Kline, C., Hao, H., Alderman, D., Kleckley, J. & *Gray, S. (2014). A spatial analysis of tourism, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems in North Carolina, U.S.A. Tourism Planning & Development, 11(3), 305-316. Kline, C., McGehee, N., **Paterson, S. & *Tsao, J. (2012). Using Ecological Systems Theory and Density of Acquaintance to explore resident perception of entrepreneurial climate. Journal of Travel Research. 52(3): 294-309. ​ Rural Community Capitals Kline, C., McGehee, N., & Delconte, J. (n.d.). Built Capital as a Catalyst for Community-Based Tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 58(6), 899–915. Kline, C. (2017). Applying the community capitals framework to the craft heritage trails of western North Carolina, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 12:5, 489-508, Delconte, J., Kline, C., & Scavo, C. (2016). The impacts of local arts agencies on community placemaking and heritage tourism, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 11:4, 324-335. Slocum, S., & Kline, C. (2014). Regional resilience: opportunities, challenges and policy messages from Western North Carolina. Anatolia, 25(3), 403-416. ​ ​ Tourism Markets Hoggard, W., Avenarius, C., Kline, C. & Ward, W. (2018). Diversifying eastern North Carolina heritage sites: tour guides’ perspectives, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 13:1, 62-76, *Merritt, R., Kline, C., Crawford, A., Viren, P., & Dilworth, G. (2018). Vacation Activity Preferences: An Examination of Generational Differences across Psychographic Categories Employing Plog’s Model. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 36(4), 55–71. Merritt, R., Kline, C., Crawford, A., Schneider, P., & Dilworth, G. (2016). An exploration of recreational activities while travelling relative to psychographic tendencies, Tourism Recreation Research, 41:3, 302-313, Hao, H., Kline, C., Long, P., & Rassel, G. (2018). Property owners’ attitudes toward sustainable tourism: Comparing coastal and mountain counties. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18(4), 429–441. Benjamin, S., Kline, C., Alderman, D., & Hoggard, W. (2016). Heritage Site Visitation and Attitudes toward African American Heritage Preservation: An Investigation of North Carolina Residents. Journal of Travel Research, 55(7), 919–933. Rubright, H., Kline, C., Viren, P., Naar, A., & Oliver, J. (2016). Attraction sustainability in North Carolina and its impact on decision-making. Tourism Management Perspectives, 19, 1-10. Kline, C., Cardenas, D., Schneider, P. & Swanson, J. (2015). Using a community tourism development model to explore equestrian trail tourism potential in Virginia. Journal of Destination Management & Marketing 4(2), 79-87. Kline. C., Greenwood, J., Swanson, J., & Cardenas, D. (2014). Paddler market segments: Expanding Experience Use History Segmentation. Journal of Destination Management & Marketing, 2, 228–240. Beedle, J., Kline, C., Cardenas, D., Byrd, E. & Schneider, P. (2013). Attitudes towards women-owned tourism businesses. Journal of Tourism & Cultural Change, 11(3), 170-186. Lee, S. Kline, C., & Lee, G. (2013). Perceptions toward non-tourism development in a tourist destination: a naval base on Jeju Island, Korea. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2013.806937. Kline, C., Cardenas, D., Duffy, L. & Swanson, J. (2011). Funding sustainable paddle trail development: paddler perspectives, willingness to pay and management implications. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(2), 235-256. Kask, S., Kline, C., & Lamoureux, K. (2011). Modeling tourist and community decision-making: the S.A.V.E. market. Annals of Tourism Research, 38, 1387-1409. ​ ​ International Destinations Duffy, L. N., Stone, G., Charles Chancellor, H., & Kline, C. S. (2016). Tourism development in the Dominican Republic: An examination of the economic impact to coastal households. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 35–49. Duffy, L. N., Kline, C., Mowatt, R.A., & Chancellor, H.C. (2015). Women in tourism: Shifting gender ideology? Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 72-86. Kline, C. & Slocum, S. (2015). Neoliberalism in Ecotourism? The new development paradigm of multinational projects in Africa. Journal of Ecotourism, 14(2-3), 99-112. Boone, K., Kline, C., *Johnson, L., Milburn, L.A., & Rieder, K. (2012). Development of visitor identity through Study Abroad in Ghana. Tourism Geographies, 15(3), 470-493. ​ Cuban Focus Knollenberg, W., Kline, C., Jordan, E., & Boley, B. B. (2020). Will US travelers be good guests to Cuba? Examining US traveler segments' sustainable behavior and interest in visiting Cuba. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 18, 100505. Duffy, L. & Kline, C. (2018) Complexities of Tourism Planning and Development in Cuba. Tourism Planning & Development, 15:3, 211-215. Moran, C., Boley, B. B., Woosnam, K. M., Jordan, E. J., Kline, C., & Knollenberg, W. (n.d.). The battle of the socials: Which socially symbolic factors best predict intent to travel? [Research Note]. Tourism Management, 68, 324–327. Boley, B. B., Jordan, E. J., Kline, C., & Knollenberg, W. (2018). Social return and intent to travel. Tourism Management, 64, 119–128. Jordan, E. J., Boley, B. B., Knollenberg, W., & Kline, C. (n.d.). Predictors of Intention to Travel to Cuba across Three Time Horizons: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 57(7), 981–993. Duffy, L.N., Kline, C., Swanson, J. R., Best, M., & McKinnon, H. (2017) Community development through agroecotourism in Cuba: an application of the community capitals framework, Journal of Ecotourism, 16:3, 203-221, DOI: 10.1080/14724049.2016.1218498. *Hingtgen, N., Kline, C., Fernandes, L., & McGehee, N. G. (2015). Cuba in transition: Tourism industry perceptions of entrepreneurial change. Tourism Management, 50, 184-193. Green, E., Kline, C., Hao, H., & Crawford, A. (2015). Tourist Behavior Among Foodie Activity Dimensions. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 1(1), 33-44. Murray, A., & Kline, C. (2015). Rural tourism and the craft beer experience: factors influencing brand loyalty in rural North Carolina, USA. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(8-9), 1198-1216.

  • Fanimal | Mysite

    Back Fanimal Fanimal was founded in 2016 with the purpose of providing mentoring programs for individuals who wanted careers that helped animals. During the Covid 19 pandemic, however, we also provided public-facing programs on Zoom. These programs included: Three seasons of Animal Chat Time (24 episodes total) that focused on a specific animal per episode. Animal Chat Time was for ages 6-12, however, many adults who joined enjoyed learning about the animals as well. Junior Fanimal, a badge earning program for kids aged 10-15, this was structured around activities that encouraged advocacy, fundraising, and vocational exploration. A high school program revolving around animal-focused careers was developed, which provided a wide range of opportunities to consider different paths. US-based college internships were provided to a variety of disciplines including conservation sciences, arts and humanities, business, political sciences, and creative communications. The college internships were tailored to the students degree requirements as well as the students career or animal interests. Fanimal fellowships were offered to our international audiences and were a cohort-based program that provided support for the specific interests of each fellow. The fellows completed activities which furthered their professional skill sets, expanded their professional skills, as well as worked on a focused project of their own creation. Webinars were offered to the public on many topics including wildlife photography ethics, ​ In 2023, Fanimal transitioned to focusing more directly on animals in tourism, while still offering mentorship and guidance to young professionals with animal interests.

  • Rare to Reckless | Mysite

    Back Rare to Reckless Fanimal partnered with The Civet Project and filmmaker Jack Wootton for the making of the documentary Civet Coffee: Rare to Reckless which launched on World Civet Day on April 4th, 2024.

  • Media | Mysite

    Back Media & Features Articles Why can't tourists stop messing with wild animals? By Andrea Sachs. The Washington Post. June 16, 2023. READ HERE​​ Animal rides are cruel, advocates say. So why are we still doing them? By Andrea Sachs. The Washington Post. March 29, 2023. READ HERE ​ Podcasts & Radio Shows Wildlife Wednesdays Webinar with Carol Kline & Taylor Bass. Interactions + Attractions. Coming soon! In Tune to Nature Podcast - Wildlife Equity and Multi-Species Tourism Justice: Professor Carol Kline on Sustainable Tourism and Animals. July 24, 2024- LISTEN HERE​ Charlotte Talks gets behind the wheel with NC road trips, summer traveling tips. Charlotte Talks ​​with Mike Collins (Guest Host: Sarah Delia). June 30, 2024 - LISTEN HERE The Animal Turn - Bonus: Animals and Tourism with Carol Kline and Jes Hooper. Hosted by Claudia Hirtenfelder. February 23, 2023. - LISTEN HERE​​ ​ ​ Engaging Children and Animals with Marika Bell - Fanimal with Carol Kline and Nora Livingstone. The Deal With Animals. October 24, 2022. LISTEN HERE Become a FANIMAL with Carol Kline! VegFest Expos - Hosted by Helene Greenberg. ​May 6, 2021. LISTEN HERE ​ ACT Radio - Carol Kline on how to be a socially conscious traveler. Hosted by Liz and Tom. Station KTEP. April 11, 2021. - LISTEN HERE

  • UPLIFT | Mysite

    UPLIFT NC Uplift is a comprehensive support program for rural communities who wish to enhance their existing tourism industry offerings, as well as develop new and innovative experiences. As part of the Naturescapes portfolio of services, UPLIFT is designed to provide a menu of programs for community members to opt into while also targeting specific local needs and priorities. For a look at the UPLIFT North Carolina program see here . UPLIFT Services UPLIFT services cover a range of industry sectors, and welcomes all members of the community to participate in and benefit from tourism. Be sure to check out our latest podcast episodes about North Carolina tourism behind the scenes! Listen Here

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